Safe Computing @ Andrews


Watch out for phishing and scam emails related to COVID-19!
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Have you received an email similar to this about a job opportunity?

From: Christensen [Redacted] <[redacted]>


我们通过学校数据库找到了您的联系方式,我很高兴地通知您,我们信誉良好的公司[合法公司]目前正在开展一项学生赋权计划. 这个项目是为了帮助像你这样忠诚和勤奋的学生在家里找到一份兼职工作,这不会妨碍你做其他任何事情, 你只需要每周花几个小时来做这件事,而且周薪诱人.

Christensen [Redacted]
[Legitimate Company] Inc.®

Unfortunately, the email above it is a legitimate job offer, but a scam that could cost you money. 骗子们正在伪造bet365中文大学的电子邮件地址,发送求职诈骗电子邮件,旨在诱骗学生申请一份需要他们提供个人信息并可能从事犯罪活动的工作.

There are many ways to identify a job scam email:

  • The email is from a Gmail, Yahoo, or other non-Andrews address. Legitimate companies should email from their corporate email account. bet365中文大学不会发布没有公司电子邮件账户的雇主的招聘信息.
  • You are 不 the only recipient on the email. 合法的公司不会同时向多人发送关于工作机会的电子邮件.
  • The email does 不 address you by name. The email may say your information was obtained from a job board, 学校的数据库, or a career services office. 如果是这样,他们应该直接给你发邮件,而不是“你好学生”或“早上好”。.
  • The company name is a legitimate company. 为了使骗局更可信,电子邮件将使用合法公司的名称. 然而, 与你联系的人与他们声称为之工作的公司没有任何关系.
  • They ask to continue the conversation by text. This makes the scam harder to document. Conversations about legitimate offers should be conducted by email.
  • They ask for personal information in an email. 合法的工作机会要求您申请并在正式申请中提供您的个人信息, many times on the company website.
  • The email contains grammatical or spelling errors. 诈骗电子邮件的一个非常普遍的特点是,他们不会费心去检查他们发出的电子邮件的拼写或语法.
  • There is no contact information for the sender. 任何来自公司人力资源或招聘部门的合法电子邮件都应该有发件人的签名行, title, and contact information.
  • The email asks you to visit a non-Andrews website. bet365中文大学只会要求你访问校园官方就业服务活动的网站.

如果您收到包含此类信息的电子邮件,请删除它. There is no need to respond. 如果你对一封邮件是否合法有疑问,请转发给:


  • 永远不要在电子邮件或电话中提供个人信息,比如你的社会保险号码或银行账号.
  • Never take cashier’s checks or money orders as a form of payment. 假支票很常见,你兑现支票的银行会追究你的责任.
  • Never cash a check that comes with “extra” money. 骗子会寄支票给你,要求你在你的银行存支票, withdraw the “extra” money as cash, and then deposit that cash elsewhere. The check will bounce and you will be held accountable.
  • Never wire funds via Western Union, MoneyGram or any other service. Anyone who asks you to wire money is a scammer.
  • Never apply for jobs listed by someone far away or in a不her country.
  • 永远不要同意背景调查,除非你亲自见过雇主.
  • Never apply for a job that is emailed to you out 的 blue.


  • 被怀疑. If a job is offering a lot of money for very little work, it could be a scammer trying to get personal information from you.
  • 调查雇主. Do they have a reputable website or professional references? 你想申请的职位列表也在他们的主页上吗? Note: work-study jobs may 不 be advertised on employer websites.
  • Meet face-to-face with a potential employer. 面对面的面试或喝咖啡时的非正式聊天可以帮助你确定雇主的意图.
  • Be sure to choose a public place to meet, tell someone where you are going and bring your cell phone, 以防万一.
  • 相信你的直觉. If a job sounds too good to be true, it is likely a scam.

当网络犯罪分子冒充企业欺骗你提供你的个人信息, 它被称为 phishing. 不要回复要求你提供个人或财务信息的电子邮件、短信或弹出信息. 也不要点击其中的链接——即使这些信息似乎来自你信任的机构, like bet365中文大学—It is 不! 合法的企业不会要求您通过不安全的渠道发送敏感信息.
Malicious email typically uses urgent language, 要求输入密码, 银行账号, 用户名, credit card numbers or other personal information; and may have grammatical, typographical or other obvious errors.

What happens if I am scammed?
如果您认为您在回复phishing邮件或可疑网页时提供了个人信息, your account may be compromised.

  • Change your Andrews password. 去 ,签到 我的账户,然后选择 修改密码.
  • 仔细检查任何因回复电子邮件而变得易受攻击的在线帐户.

Report Possible phishing诈骗 and IT Security Incidents
如果您收到一封您认为可能是phishing骗局的电子邮件, 重要的是,您必须尽快报告事件,以便工作人员可以开始调查和解决它们. Forward the suspected phishing email to the 它帮助台 at IT security incidents include but are 不 limited to items listed in 1:762:10 General Guidelinesbet365中文大学 Computers & 网络策略.

  • Set up your spam filter. 在线搜索有关电子邮件客户端说明的各种教程.  bet365中文大学 uses a spam filter by Microsoft.  For more information, see Manage Spam 电子邮件s at Andrews.
  • Block unwanted instant messages. 垃圾邮件也会攻击即时通讯工具,因此在您的消息传递客户机上设置垃圾邮件过滤器.
  • 块图像. 通过邮件发送的图片可以修改,以便与发送者沟通. 垃圾邮件发送者使用这些信息来查找活跃的电子邮件地址,以便在你阅读邮件之前阻止图片下载. Check your email User’s Guide to learn about this feature.
  • Only share your primary email address with people you know
  • Set up an email address dedicated solely to web transactions
  • Watch out for pre-checked boxes. 当你在网上购买或下载时,公司有时会预先选择复选框来欺骗你. 确保阅读所有的复选框,并取消勾选任何你不同意的.
  • Delete junk email messages without opening them. 有些电子邮件包含钩子,当你打开电子邮件时,它会捕获你的电子邮件地址.
  • Don’t reply to spam emails. Be wary of messages that include a link to "remove me from this list."
  • Don’t give out personal information in an email or instant message.
  • 在打开附件或点击电子邮件或即时消息中的链接之前要三思. 病毒可以附着在电子邮件上,当你点击它们时就会感染你的电脑.
  • Don’t buy anything or give to any charity promoted through spam. Spammers often swap email lists. So, 从垃圾邮件中购买东西可能会导致您的名字被传递给另一个垃圾邮件发送者,从而导致更多的垃圾邮件直接发送给您.
  • Don’t forward chain email messages. 您可以很容易地失去控制谁看到您的电子邮件地址,并进一步提供您的电子邮件地址给其他垃圾邮件发送者.
  • Report abusive, harassing, or threatening email messages to 学生生活 and 校园安全.
  • Report phishing scams or fraudulent emails to the company who was misrepresented by contacting them directly.